Yellow Spring Bridal Bouquet
Seasonal Bridal Bouquet
Total time: 23 minutes and 47 seconds
Learn how to arrange a seasonal hand tied wedding bouquet or gift bouquet using a monochromatic yellow theme for your clients this Spring. Ideal for approaching peak seasons such as Mother’s Day, as well as Spring weddings for brides.
This lesson covers how to construct a seasonal wedding bouquet. In this lesson, you will learn how to construct the design from start to finish. The tutor, Debbie will demonstrate how to make the design, along with top tips on construction and fixings.
Find the materials required for this style of arrangement below:
Quantity | Equipment |
5 stems of | Germini Davidson |
10 to 20 stems of | Tulips Strong Gold |
10 stems of | Ranunculus Cloni Creme |
10 stems of | Rose Buttercup |
10 stems of | Craspedia Yellow |
1 roll of | Pistachio Satin Ribbon |
1 pack of | Pearl Headed Pins |
1 pair of | Sharp Pair of Scissors |
1 roll of | Anchor Tape 12mm |
Beautiful colours and bouquet, thankyou very useful.