Cascading Shower Bouquet

Cascading Shower Bouquet Foam Free

Time: 26 minutes and 32 seconds

Learn how to create a stunning cascade bridal bouquet using basic elements and principles of design. Here, we have combined old school traditional techniques  with modern styling combining the best of both hand-tying and formal construction.

Use only plant materials in the wired “tail” that are happy out of water overnight. The hand-tied section of the bouquet will be placed in water. Transport flat on a paper covered box with a hole cut out for the handle

In this lesson, it covers wiring techniques in the “tail” of the bouquet enabling both visual and actual balance. This makes the bouquet easier for the bride to carry. The hand-tied aspect of the bouquet maintains a natural form creating good rhythm. The pleasing use of both dried and fresh plant materials achieves harmony within the design. 

In this video tutorial, you will need to recreate this design:

1 pair ofScissors
1 pair of Wire Cutters
1 pack of Silver & Green Stub Wire
1 roll of Twine
1 roll of Anchor Tape 12mm
7 stems of Rose
7 stems of Bouvardia
3 stems of Hydrangea 40cm
1 bunch of Eucalyptus Nicholii
1/2 bunch of Eucalyptus Preserved Stuartiana Dyed Autumn
5 stems of Spray Rose
1-2 stems of Limonium
5 stems of Clematis
1 bunch of Amaranthus (Dried or Fresh)

1 Comment

  1. Karen Pickard on 18/05/2022 at 9:54 am

    Beautiful, love this design and colour scheme 😊

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