Amaryllis Bridal Bouquet

Amaryllis Bridal Bouquet in Peach Colour Palette

Time: 17 minutes and 15 seconds

In this demonstration, our tutor illustrates how to create a bridal bouquet using Amaryllis as the focal flower. Due to their hollow stem type, Amaryllis can be tricky to work with in a bouquet, but hopefully this demonstration will provide you with useful tricks and tips to help you create beautiful bouquets using this popular winter flower.

If you would like to recreate the design, you will need:

1 pair ofScissors
1 roll of Anchor tape & Twine
1 roll of Ribbon of choice (decoration)
1 pack of Pearl Headed pins (decoration)
3 stems Amaryllis Peach (Rilona)
10 stems Rose Peach (Alina)
10 stems Delphinium Morpho White (or alternative, snapdragon, stocks)
10 stems Ranunculus Cream (or alternative, rose spray)
1 bunch Eucalyptus Populus with Berry


  1. Isabel McIntyre on 11/11/2022 at 8:49 pm

    I love this bouquet! Do you have to remove the pollen from the amaryllis?

    • Laura Kenny on 18/11/2022 at 9:55 am

      Hello Isabel,

      I would recommend to remove the pollen especially for a wedding bouquet.

      Many thanks, Laura

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