How to Instagram Flowers
How to Photograph Flowers for Instagram
Have you ever taken a photograph of your work and it looks different? The lens can tell a different story to what you are seeing in front of your own eyes. Here are some tips from the experts:
1. Choose flowers wisely – not all photograph well. The more you photograph, the more you get to know them. Favourites included stocks, peonies, tulips, roses and ranunculus.
2. Ideally, photograph the arrangement in natural light. Flowers do not look good under artificial lights. Schedule your day around the light levels if you are shooting outside, early mornings or late afternoons are best! If you are indoors, move to a window to get the best light!
3. Use different vessels and backgrounds to make the most of just one bunch of flowers. You can use the content time and time again on your instagram account.
4. Choose lighter coloured flowers. They are easier to capture than dark ones. Dark flowers or foliage can sometimes disappear in a photograph, it can look like a gap in your arrangement!
5. When flowers are nearly over, cut off the stems and lay down to make flat pictures. Gather plates, linen and notebooks as props. To make flowers last longer, pop in a cold store or room.